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Common Questions About Hatching Quail Eggs: Our FAQ Answered

Hatching quail eggs can be a fascinating and rewarding experience, but if you’re new to it, you might have some questions. At RentAHatch, we’ve compiled a list of common questions to help guide you through the process. Whether you’re a first-time hatcher or looking for tips to improve your results, our FAQ has you covered.

1. How long does it take for quail eggs to hatch?

Quail eggs typically take about 17-18 days to hatch. The incubation period begins once the eggs are placed in the incubator and kept at a consistent temperature of around 99.5°F (37.5°C). If your eggs are taking longer, be patient—sometimes they may take up to 21 days.

2. What temperature should I maintain during incubation?

The ideal temperature for hatching quail eggs is 99.5°F (37.5°C). Maintaining a consistent temperature is crucial to the development of the embryos. If you’re using our Deluxe Hatching Kit, the digital controls will help you maintain this temperature easily.

3. How often do I need to turn the eggs?

If you’re using our Basic Kit, you’ll need to turn the eggs manually three times a day. This helps ensure even heating and proper development. If you have the Deluxe Kit, the automatic egg turner will take care of this task for you.

4. How can I tell if my quail eggs are developing properly?

You can candle the eggs around day 10 to check for signs of development. Hold a bright light, such as a flashlight, against the egg in a dark room. If you see veins or movement inside, that’s a good sign the embryo is developing.

5. What humidity level should I maintain?

During incubation, the humidity should be kept around 45-50%. In the final three days before hatching (known as the “lockdown period”), increase the humidity to 65-70%. This higher humidity helps soften the eggshells, making it easier for the chicks to hatch.

6. What do I do if my eggs aren’t hatching on time?

If your eggs haven’t hatched by day 18, don’t panic! Some eggs may take a little longer to hatch. Ensure that the temperature and humidity are still within the recommended ranges, and give the eggs a few extra days. If no chicks have hatched by day 22, it’s possible that the eggs were not fertile.

7. How soon should I remove chicks from the incubator after they hatch?

Once a chick has hatched, leave it in the incubator until it is dry and fluffy. This could take a few hours. The incubator provides the warmth the chick needs in its early moments. Once dry, move the chick to a brooder with heat, food, and water.

8. Can I use the incubator for other bird species?

Yes, you can use the incubator for other bird species like chickens or ducks, but you’ll need to adjust the incubation time and possibly the temperature and humidity levels. Always check the specific requirements for the bird species you plan to hatch.

9. How many eggs can I hatch at once?

The number of eggs you can hatch depends on the size of your incubator. Our Basic Kit holds fewer eggs than the Deluxe Kit, which has a larger capacity and is suitable for bigger hatching projects. Check your incubator’s capacity before starting.

10. What should I feed the chicks once they hatch?

Quail chicks need a high-protein starter feed, ideally with 24-30% protein, to support their rapid growth. Make sure to provide fresh water and feed in shallow containers to prevent the chicks from getting stuck or drowning.


Hatching quail eggs is a simple process when you know what to expect. With the right temperature, humidity, and a little patience, you’ll be on your way to successfully hatching your own quail. Have more questions? Visit for more information or contact our support team for help!

Christian Graninger

About Christian

Christian Graninger is the owner of Undique LLC, the parent company of RentaHatch that provides technology consulting services. In the past 3 years he operates a ecommerce business selling US made and laid products on Amazon, Walmart and other platforms. With over 27 years of work experience, including 3 years of traineeship while completing a degree in Photography, Audio/Video, and Computer Technology, Christian had a long career in the Corporate world. Prior to starting Undique Technology Consulting LLC, Christian worked at Retarus (North America) Inc in Secaucus, New Jersey, where he served as a Senior Sales Engineer. Since over 3 years Christian focuses on helping startups and local (US) producers of products and services to succeed online. Christian was born in the state of Salzburg / Austria and lived nearly half his life abroad. He is married to Gabby and father of three daughters and is also the owner of a family dog named Hazel. Christian has developed a line of dog treats for Hazel, which sell successfully on Amazon and other ecommerce platforms In addition to English and German, Christian also speaks a little French and Italian.

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