Wendee Miller is the co-founder of Hatching at Home and owner of Featherbaby Farm (a highly-rated NPIP certified hatchery in Northern California). She has been hatching for the last 16 years! Wendee has a deep knowledge of hatching and medical issuess that chicks may experience. She enjoys helping new chicken owners learn the skills they need to hatch and raise happy, healthy birds!
Linda Easton is the co-founder of Hatching at Home and Quail University. After hatching thousands of chicks (including quail, chicken, duck, and geese), she still has a sense of awe when watching chicks hatch. She loves being a part the joy and excitement that first-time hatchers feel when they welcome their new quail babies into the world.
Vendor Biography
Wendee Miller is the co-founder of Hatching at Home and owner of Featherbaby Farm (a highly-rated NPIP certified hatchery in Northern California). She has been hatching for the last 16 years! Wendee has a deep knowledge of hatching and medical issuess that chicks may experience. She enjoys helping new chicken owners learn the skills they need to hatch and raise happy, healthy birds!
Linda Easton is the co-founder of Hatching at Home and Quail University. After hatching thousands of chicks (including quail, chicken, duck, and geese), she still has a sense of awe when watching chicks hatch. She loves being a part the joy and excitement that first-time hatchers feel when they welcome their new quail babies into the world.