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Christian Graninger

About Christian

Christian Graninger is the owner of Undique LLC, the parent company of RentaHatch that provides technology consulting services. In the past 3 years he operates a ecommerce business selling US made and laid products on Amazon, Walmart and other platforms. With over 27 years of work experience, including 3 years of traineeship while completing a degree in Photography, Audio/Video, and Computer Technology, Christian had a long career in the Corporate world. Prior to starting Undique Technology Consulting LLC, Christian worked at Retarus (North America) Inc in Secaucus, New Jersey, where he served as a Senior Sales Engineer. Since over 3 years Christian focuses on helping startups and local (US) producers of products and services to succeed online. Christian was born in the state of Salzburg / Austria and lived nearly half his life abroad. He is married to Gabby and father of three daughters and is also the owner of a family dog named Hazel. Christian has developed a line of dog treats for Hazel, which sell successfully on Amazon and other ecommerce platforms In addition to English and German, Christian also speaks a little French and Italian.